Kay Kiefer

Executive Director

"I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I am a daughter, sister, friend and confidante. I am a Registered Nurse and a Christian. I love Jesus, my husband and family. And, I had an abortion..."

"For many years, I lived in fear – of others finding out, of God not forgiving me, of going to hell. My journey has been a long one through dark seasons of guilt, shame and regret.  Now, I rejoice in the freedom I have found in Christ.  He alone is the Great Physician, the One who can take the broken pieces of our lives and put them back together.  He is also the One who can use the testimonies of post-abortive women to help others.

Over the past 15 years, I have had the opportunity to work with others impacted by abortion one-to-one and in group settings as a facilitator for post-abortion Bible studies.  I have spoken publicly – alone as well as with others – about the way that abortion changed my life forever.  As I have encountered individuals impacted by past abortion(s) and heard their stories, I have become convinced that we – post-abortive individuals – truly are everywhere, including inside the church.  This was when the vision of We Are Everywhere began to take shape.  I am passionate about helping other post-abortive women find hope, healing and wholeness.

I want the church to understand that there are literally thousands upon thousands of men and women whose lives have been touched by abortion.  Many think they are all alone - that there is no one that they can talk to.  They may fear having others find out their secret.  They may struggle with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, relationship issues and more.  It is my desire that the world would know the truth about abortion and that those hurt by it can find healing that only Christ can bring."

Kay Kiefer was the mother of three young children and an older-than-average student when she returned to school to become a Registered Nurse.  She graduated in 1997 and has worked in a variety of health care settings - including mental health, family practice and school health.

Kay also has over 10 years of experience working in Christian pregnancy resource clinics (PRCs).  She served as a staff nurse and nurse manager in two separate PRCs.  During her tenure with FirstChoice Clinic (FCC) in Fargo, North Dakota, Kay managed a federal grant from the Department of Health and Human Services which allowed FCC to provide abstinence and marriage education throughout North Dakota and western Minnesota.  

Kay is married to Russ.  They have three adult children (Anna, Abby, Jacob), two son-in-laws (Elijah and Sam), one daughter-in-law (Emma), two amazing grandsons (Calvin and Cooper) and one aging black lab (Hank) who thinks he is a person.  Kay and Russ currently live in the Fargo (ND)-Moorhead (MN) community, but love to spend time in the mountains of Montana whenever they can.  Kay enjoys cooking, eating, gardening, hiking, kayaking and being Nana.