Life-Affirming Pregnancy Centers

We are Everywhere supports the work of the thousands of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers and clinics (PRCs) around the country. The central mission for most PRCs focuses on preventing abortion; we applaud your tireless efforts toward this worthy goal.

We are Everywhere is focused on expanding awareness about the extent to which women can be negatively impacted by abortion and connecting women in need with available resources for healing and wholeness.

Together, we are better. We want to join forces and work together with you to:

  • help women avoid abortion in the first place by raising awareness about the potential after-effects it can have, and;
  • free post-abortive women from dark places of fear, guilt and shame.

Here's how we can work together...

If your PRC does not provide post-abortion healing resources (including Bible studies and support groups), consider having this handout available in your center/clinic.  We have a letter-sized poster available that you can post in your center – in the woman’s restroom, lobby or intake room – that lists potential after-effects of abortion that your clients may not be aware of.  We also encourage you to pray about adding post-abortion support via Bible study or support group at your center or at a local church.  We can help you with this endeavor.  Check out the suggested Bible studies on our resource page.

If your PRC does host post-abortion Bible studies or support groups, you will find that many women become overwhelmed by the desire to help others find healing from past abortions once they have experienced healing themselves.  This is the way it should be, as we read in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 about the ministry of reconciliation.  We are Everywhere provides post-abortive women a platform from which to share their voices with spiritual leaders and other Christians about the impact abortion has had on their lives.  We believe these voices can expand understanding about the far-reaching devastation of abortion in the Christian community and, ultimately, to post-abortive women sitting in fear and silence in churches everywhere.  We can provide you with packets of information about the platform available through We are Everywhere to share with post-abortive women who want to help others.  Contact us for details on how to get packets for your center/clinic.

Free HandoutFree Poster

Support the Ministry

There are women sitting in church across our country who are hiding the fearful secret of past abortion. Partnering with We Are Everywhere allows us to expand awareness to the fear, shame, and regret that abortion causes women - particularly women in the church - and to help those women find healing and wholeness in Christ.
Donate Today
To donate by mail, please make checks payable to:
We Are Everywhere, PO Box 202, West Fargo, ND 58078